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The research agenda has been multi-faceted and diverse. In 2001 itself, Academy studied handicraft cooperatives, baseline survey of slum up gradation programmes, impact of globalisation on the garment workers, socio-economic status of vegetable vendors, and kite makers etc. The researches given below are not for download purpose. If you are interested in these researches, please send us an email at mail@sewaresearch.org.

Research Studies done in the year 2003 - 2007


Research Name

Partner's Name

Year Language
1 Urja loan study SEWA Academy, SEWA Bank 2007 English
2 Sahbhagi Yojana 2 Support Project (SY2SP) Baseline SEWA Academy, Shree Mahila SEWA Housing Trust 2007 English
3 Sahbhagi Yojana 2 Support Project (SY2SP) End-line SEWA Academy, Shree Mahila SEWA Housing Trust 2007 English
4 Midwifery as Decent work : Case Study on SEWA's Experience in India SEWA Academy, SEWA Health, ILO 2007 English
5 SEWA Movement training evaluation Study SEWA Academy, Traning wing of SEWA Academy 2006 English
6 Impact Study of the Computer Training Courses at SEWA Academy SEWA Academy 2006 English
7 Evaluation of Literacy classis SEWA Academy, Literacy Wing of SEWA Academy 2006 English
8 SEWA’s Radio Programme “Rudi no radio” SEWA Academy, Radio wing of  SEWA Academy 2006 English
9 A study on the technician women of Hand Pump repairing SEWA Academy, SEWA Rural wing 2006 Gujarati
10 Influencing girls’ lives: Acceptability and effectiveness of a livelihoods skill building intervention in Gujarat SEWA Academy, SEWA, Population Council 2006 English
11 Spending, saving and borrowing: Perceptions and experiences of girls in Gujarat SEWA Academy, SEWA, Population Council 2006 English
12 Globalisation of Garment Industry and Its Impact on Home-Based Workers and Small Factory Workers of Ahmedabad City SEWA Academy, SEWA Urban 2005 English
13 Bidi Workers of Murshidabad SEWA Academy, SEWA Bharat 2005 English
14 Growth from Below SEWA Academy, SEWA 2004 English
15 Problems while Organising SEWA Academy & SEWA Federation 2003 English
16 SEWA – NCAER collaborative Study on Garment Sector SEWA Academy, NCAER,GIRD 2003 English
17 Reaching the Poor SEWA Academy , SEWA Health 2003 English

The types of research are also diverse. From impact evaluation to technical studies, census, longitudinal studies, baseline surveys, socio-economic surveys, and diagnostic studies – SEWA Academy has been conducting them all.

Steps of Research

Conception: Keeping the objective, method and use of research in mind, research question is conceived.
Research: After conception, actual research starts with deciding the research methodology and preparing a tool for data collection. There are various methods used in our researches, for example, survey, focus group, etc. And after data collection, coding and analysis is done.
Writing: After analysis, report writing is the next step. Report contains the objectives of the study, methods used for data collection, findings of the study, and suggestions and recommendations.
Publication: When the report is written it is printed in presentable form. Report are either computer generated or printed in the press.
Distribution: After production, distribution is important. Before distribution a list of people to whom the report has to be distributed is made. Generally, copies are sent to the Government offices, policy makers, other organisations, related departments of universities, NGOs, concerned individuals, etc. A summary of report is sometimes sent to the newspapers and newsletters too.
Feedback: Feedback is expected after distribution of the research report. Feedback is very essential for any researcher because it gives boost to the effort and suggestions helps in improvement.



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