List of Books &
Self-Employed Women: A Profile of SEWA's Membership (2006)
Martha Alter Chen, Nidhi Mirani, and Mita Parikh
Price: Rs. 250
This book is the second in a series of 3 publications chronicling SEWA's work in the past 30 years. It illustrates an overview of SEWA membership including increase in numbers, change in composition, standard of living, and economic status. The overview also covers employment (urban or rural) and common risks faced by its members. Finally, the profile discusses leadership in SEWA according to organizing member, grassroots leaders, and general members.
Globalisation of garment industry (2006)
Research team, SEWA Academy
Price: Rs. 250
This booklet provides information on a study conducted by the SEWA Academy and the NCAER (National Council of Applied Economic Research) on home-based and small factory garment workers. The research problem is described in detail as well as the methodology undertaken. The study looks at the impact of globalisation, the regional and local industry, technological changes, and gender issues regarding these garment workers in Ahmedabad City.
Exposure and Dialogue Programmes: A Grassroots Immersion Tool for Understanding Poverty and Influencing Policy (2006)
Price: Rs. 150
This book outlines SEWA's missions as well as the background and concept behind Exposure and Dialogue Programmes (EPDs). It divulges the goals of EDP and gives specific testimonies from participants and facilitators. It also seeks to inform the reader on how EDPs can help grassroots-level fieldworkers.
Exposure and Dialogue Programmes: A Grassroots Immersion Tool for Understanding Poverty and Influencing Policy (2006)
SEWA, World Bank (2006)
Price: Rs. 150
This book outlines the Exposure and Dialogue Programmes (EDPs) and its relation to SEWA. In this study, EDP participants were immersed into the households of women working in the informal sector from various districts and trade areas. The facilitators were thus better able to understand the lives of the poor, and what factors make it so hard for them to break the cycle of poverty.
Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA (2005)
Martha Alter Chen, Ruchi Khurana, Nidhi Mirani
Price: Rs. 250
This is the first in a series of three books which discuss SEWA and its role and impact after 30 years. Using a variety of studies and research projects, the 11 points of SEWA are evaluated under the microscope of progress and impact on its members. SEWA's organizing strategies to affect the wider environment are also detailed, as well as the crises faces on a daily basis. Finally, the path toward economic freedom is highlighted as SEWA's most solid impact. |
At the Kadiyanaka: Challenges faced by Construction Workers in Ahmedabad (2005)
Purshottam Vankar and SEWA Academy Research Team
Price : Rs. 120
This publication is a follow up study on the construction workers of Ahmedabad City. It is based around 3 key factors: technical changes biased against informal worker and the response to these changes, increases in risk and vulnerability, and changes in the bargaining power of informal workers. The research also closely studies the nature of construction work and how participation in SEWA trainings has affected the work.
Small and Marginal Farmers in Gujarat: A Profile of SEWA Member Households in Mehsana and Sabarkantha Districts (2005)
Surashree Shome and SEWA Grass Root Research Team for Mehsana and Sabarkantha District
Price: Rs. 150
This booklet focuses on small and marginal farmer members of SEWA, specifically in Mehsana and Sabarkantha. The study highlights the disconnect between reality and perception in contribution to work, incidence of poverty, health hazards, health training, water shortage and cost of water, recent switches to machinery, share cropping, and the difference between large and small farm productivity. |
Struggling for Survival: The Gum Collectors of Gujarat Revisited (2005)
Jignasa Dave and Grass Root Team for Banaskantha District
Price: Rs. 120
This publication outlines the livelihoods of SEWA members who are gum collectors. It strives to document the processes followed by gum collectors to sell their product, to understand the various factors influencing the market economy of gum and consequent status of gum collectors, to assess the impact of interventions by SEWA, and identify emerging policy issues for providing social security to gum collectors.
Life Has Educated Me: Building Interpersonal Networks Through the Jadibanagar Slum Upgrading Project (2005)
Contributors: Sally Roever, Karl Osner et…al.
Price: Rs. 150
This study is a jointly produced outcome from the reflection and sharing of group participants in the Exposure Dialogue Programme (EDP). In this fascinating account, slum life is viewed from the eyes of foreigners interested in SEWA's development plans/project. The life story of a host is learned, examined, and then applied as an example of poverty. National and International delegates use the EDP to illustrate the efforts to combat poverty in India. |
Women as Farmers - The Constructive Struggle of SEWA's Small and Marginal Farmers (2004)
Reema Nanavaty
Price: Rs. 100
This booklet draws information on the challenges facing women's livelihoods as farm/agriculture workers and small scale producers. Using grassroots initiatives, women organize according to common issues and are therefore empowered, as seen in some of the firsthand accounts from SEWA members. The study also outlines the objectives for future actions: to increase women's assets, to organize capacity building, and to ensure social and economic protection as well as fair treatment for small scale farmers. |
Problems While Organising (2003)
Surashree Saha
Price: Rs. 100
SEWA has organized a state level cooperative federation with 6 major spokes: artisan, land- based, livestock, trade, service, and credit. Under these, 96 various women's cooperatives are settled. This booklet was drawn from a meeting to discuss the enhancement of the cooperative services and the outcome of their programs. These policies serve to strengthen the cooperative and help them function more efficiently. 6 issues regarding these policies were addressed and a plan for forward movement of the cooperatives thereby unfolded. |
Increasing Employment and Income: Some Experience of SEWA (2002)
Price: Rs. 100
This booklet outlines SEWA's mission regarding its efforts to increase employment and income for its members. Using stories from members and examinations of their livelihoods before and after trainings, SEWA evaluates its impact on different women in the informal sector. Also, the booklet discusses SEWA's role as a link for women to its own services (insurance, housing, childcare, healthcare) and those of the government (welfare). |
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