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Downloadable English Researches

List of downloadable
english researches:
Employed Women : A Profile of SEWA's Membership
Employed Women : A Profile of SEWA's Membership" is part of a
project undertaken by SEWA Academy Visiting Professor, Dr.
Martha Chen of Harvard University and WIEGO. This project "SEWA
at Thirty" takes place during SEWA's thirtieth year.
The booklet gives the overview of SEWA’s Membership and in-depth
profiles of key trade groups among the members. The booklet
presents living standards, economic status and socila status of
SEWA's members. The booklet also describe the specific work
arrangements of nine of the large trade groups in SEWA's
membership. The booklet also includes how members of SEWA
participate in the organisation, the leadership that emerges
from the general membership and the solidarity that is built
among the members.
The document is divided in 5 Parts, click individual link to
download each part.
(3.38 MB),
Part I (11.4 MB),
Part II (9.26 MB),
(20.7 MB),
Part IV (4.42 MB),
Part V (7.98 MB), |
Towards Economic Freedom: The
Impact of SEWA
This booklet, entitled "Towards
Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA" is part of a SEWA at
Thirty project that we, along with Dr. Martha Chen of WIEGO and
Harvard University, undertook in 2002 at SEWA's thirtieth
anniversary. The specific purpose of this first booklet is to
take stock of SEWA's impact over the past thirty years.
The booklet presents the evidence
collected in 21 impact studies that were explicitly designed to
assess the impact on its members of specific SEWA services and
strategies or of SEWA as a whole. The booklet further summarizes
the impact of SEWA's organizing and related strategies on
specific trade groups as reported by SEWA organizers and in SEWA
documents. The booklet also includes a summary of SEWA's impacts
on the wider environment, including policies, laws, and
regulations; and it details the risks or crises faced by SEWA
members and the ability of SEWA members to cope with crises of
various kinds.
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Taking Care Of Our Children: The Experience Of SEWA Union
The book offers a multidimensional examination of the rationale,
process and impact of Sewa’s work in collaboration with I.C.D.S.
programme. It highlights a case study, which brings forth the
human dimensions of social change. It depicts valuable lessons
derived from the Sewa’s insights of how woman’s’ work and
childcare can be managed efficiently. This paper has been
translated in Gujarati and Hindi.
Year: 1992
Study / Research conducted by: Mirai Chatterjee,
Jyoti Macwan
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My Life My Work
The aim of this study is to measure the impact of a grassroots women organisation.
This study examines not only economic aspects, but the sociological aspects of the
development as well. Sewa aims at making women economically and socially self-reliant.This
study indicates the following issues: employment generation, income; assets creation,
education, childcare, participation in decision-making at family and societal level,
Year: 1993
Study / Research conducted by: Renana Jhabvala, Namrata Bali
Partner organisation: UNESCO
here to download 
We Can We Will: Women's
Empowerment And DWCRA Programme
The paper describes the lives of women in Banaskantha, the arid zone of North Gujarat.
It brings out Sewa’s experiences of working with our integral scheme of the
Government of India. DWCRA (Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas) programme
and how it led to the women’s empowerment.
Year: 1994, 2nd Edition: 1999
Study / Research conducted by: Reema Nanavaty
here to download 
Wage Fixation For Homebased
Piece Rate Workers
This is a technical paper, which was presented at the ILO conference, Geneva, in June
1995. The paper is based on the study of homebased piece rate workers and lay stress on
the appropriate minimum wage fixation. The paper has been translated in Gujarati.
Year: 1995
Study / Research conducted by: Renana Jhabvala, Rahima Shaikh, SEWA
Acadmy Team
here to download 
Credit: Sewa’s Approach to Women’s Empowerment and Influence on Women’s
Reproductive Lives in Urban India
This report presents findings from a small qualitative study of SEWA. The methodology
consisted of interviews with SEWA staff, review of documents, on formal observation of
activities at SEWA bank, Training Academy and some urban neighbourhoods in which SEWA
works and a series of semi-structures interviews with 32 SEWA members and 18 nonmembers
from the same urban communities. This report highlights some of the changes that are
underway, both in the society at large, and in the lives of the individual women, and
discussed the role of SEWA as a catalyst for change. The authors compare the findings from
their Bangladesh Research and reflect on the differences.
Year: 1995
Study / Research conducted by: Sidney Schuller, Syed Hashmi, and Harshida Pandit
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Woman Workers in the Global Economy: Case of Garment Industry in India
This report supported by the Women’s Economic and Legal
Rights Programme of the Asia Foundation, selected the case of garment manufacturing
industry and for detailed micro-level analysis the garment industry in the city of
Ahmedabad. The approach is comprehensive, right from tracing the background and
macroeconomic analysis, to policies related to garment industry, with analysis of
sub-contracting chains, focuses on the women workers, their position vis a vis men and
finally discusses the organizing strategies for garment workers and policy implications
emerging from the study.
Year: 1999
Study / research conducted by: Jeemol Unni, Namrata Bali, Jignasa Vyas
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Our Barefoot Doctors: The
Midwives Of SEWA
In this book the role of dais is highlighted. There are some recommendations by dais and
by Sewa.
Year: 2000
Study / Research conducted by: SEWA Academy
Click here to download 
Reclaiming Childhood: A Case
Study Of Childcare Centers For The Children Of Saltpan Workers
In this book main issues and problems of saltpan workers are discussed. Sewa conducted a
survey of the salt workers of Surendranagar in 1996. Study findings and recommendations
are given in detail.
Year: 2000
Study / Research conducted by: SEWA Academy
Click here to download 
The Gum Collectors:
Struggling To Survive In The Dry Areas Of Banaskantha
This book gives information about the poor situation of gum collectors. There is a
highlights of the survey carried out in 1997 by Sewa. There are some recommendations to
bring a change in the present policies and in the situation of gum collectors. There is
also a profile of one of the gum collectors of Santalpur taluka.
Year: 2000
Study / Research conducted by: SEWA Academy
here to download 
The Fragrance Of Hard Work:
Women incense Stick Rollers Of Gujarat
This book provides information about agarbatti makers. Here is described the procedure
of agarbatti making, types of workers, success stories of agarbatti rolling workers,
occupational health problems, updates of Sewa’s struggle for minimum wages and social
Year: 2000
Study / research conducted by: SEWA Academy
here to download 
Labouring Brick By Brick: A
Study Of Construction Workers
Outline information is given about construction workers of Gujarat; how they were
organised and what are their concerns, etc. Key findings are given of a survey conducted
by Sewa about the socio-economic aspects of the lives of construction workers of Ahmedabad
Year: 2000
Study / Research conducted by: SEWA Academy
Click here to download 
Our Health is our
Only Wealth
(A study on the health of members of the SEWA) Health Baseline
This booklet is a study of the health of members of the
SEWA conducted by the authors with members of SEWA’s Grassroot Research Team. This
report focuses on members’ morbidity patterns, utility of health services,
reproductive health and response to SEWA’s health services. The study takes into
account socio economic status, awareness and addresses dominant health needs with emphasis
on reproductive health through the life cycle. A summary of overall implications is also
Year: 2000
Study / research conducted by: Bijal Raval, Sapna Desai, Surbhi Modi
Click here to download  |
Multiple Work Status of
Women in Informal Economy
There is an ongoing debate on how to deal
with poverty in the area of liberalisation and Globalisation. Unfortunately many of the
solution being proposed do not really correspond to existing situations, especially in
developing countries. This has led to the exclusion of the majority of the poor who work
in the informal economy from the solution being proposed, not because there is any
intention to exclude them, but, just because they do ' fit in '. One of the ways in which
the workers in the informal economy do not ' fit in ' is that many of them are not
confined to one sector or to one type of work, but vary their work depending on the season
or the availability of work. In other words a worker engages in many types of work
throughout the year. However,
especially for poor women, the income they earn from any one type of work, is usually
insufficient to meet their needs. So they are forced to do more than one type of work even
within the course of a day. In SEWA we faced the problem both in classification as well as
in programming. Should a woman who sells vegetables and also makes kites at home be
classified as a vegetable vendor or as a kite maker ? Will she be covered by social
security fund for homebased workers ?
From this study, we come to know
that women are engaged in more than one work. But there are some women who are still doing
one work only, that may be because they might be earning enough from one work or they want
to do other work but don’t get it or they don’t have the skill to do that
particular work.
Year: 2001
Study / research conducted by: Bijal Raval, SEWA Academy Research Team
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Transforming Water
into Money
The conventional aims of domestic water supply projects are
improved welfare and public health. However, having more water close to the home also has
the potential of significant economic benefits. This is particularly so in (semi)arid
areas, where women spend long hours in collecting drinking water and lack other water
sources for productive use, such as dairying, crafts, horticulture, etc. Women seldom have
a chance to influence the design and operation of water projects for their productive use
of water and time. This pilot research has assessed in the field, and with the women and
men concerned, the relevance of these uses, their impact on gender relations and the
implications for policies, project design and operations management.
Year: May 2001
Study / research conducted by: SEWA, FPI, IRC
Partner organisation: SIDA
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Life Stories of 13 SEWA Members
regarding Basic Security
Thirteen life stories of self employed women workers are
recorded here with case study methodology tracing their socio economic background, through
childhood and marriage, financial ordeals, how they face the ups and downs, mostly downs
of life, and how they overcome these. Their first brushes with SEWA are recorded with the
strong bonds that develop with the organization over the years. Many of these
beneficiaries themselves become leaders and show the way out of deprivation to more
afflicted sisters.
Study / research conducted by: Shanta Koshti,
Nafisa Khalil, Purshottam Vankar
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